Sunday, October 14, 2007




Aaron Kunin


Bev Dahlen/Peter Gizzi



Friday, October 12, 2007

A Day for Staff Development

Since there was no school today in Oakland Unified, I decided to take a sick day.

I went to an early show of Michael Clayton at Jack London, and was pleasantly surprised.

Tom Wilkinson gives an amazing performance, on par or if not better than his work in Normal and In the Bedroom. Clooney emulates grizzly vulnerability like no other, and Tildan Swinton in all her pudgy nervousness holds the film together. I left the theatre in pouring rain.

Came home, and finished a poem entitled Wi-Fi Wifey. If you'd like to read it, let me know.

Finally got into the Okkervil River record, and the second side really makes it for me.

Am totally taken with In Rainbows, and have to say LRS, I think it's the easiest and laziest form of critique to say it sounds like a bunch of songs thrown together. My current faves are and in no particular order:

Nude (again LRS, you're wrong)
15 Step
All I Need
Jigsaw falling into place

Stay tuned for portraits and more collages very soon.

Now waiting for baseball to hit my tv.